Having medical supplies on hand, directly available to staff at the point of care, makes for a more organized and productive department, as well as ensuring that staff are utilizing their time effectively. An effective storage solution for supplies including procedure back-table workbench ensures that all necessary equipment is to hand and that space within […]

5 Reasons Why Medications should be Kept i...
This is a fundamental part of hospital safety. We all know that drugs that may be life-saving in one context can be hazardous in another. This means they need a secure storage area, such as a locking medical storage cabinet. In fact, there are actually multiple reasons to lock medications away are considered one of […]

4 types of storage solutions in hospitals ...
Busy medical and healthcare settings require excellent organizational and storage solutions to ensure that every patient experience is as positive as possible. There are a variety of storage solutions available that can help teams to streamline their workflow. Here is a brief overview of some of the options available. Medical Procedure Carts Medical procedure carts […]

Importance of procedure cabinet for critic...
The procedure cabinet is a simultaneously utilitarian, yet adaptable and esthetically pleasing addition to any healthcare setting, whether it is a busy outpatient department, a chaotic emergency room or a fast-moving ward environment. This is especially the case in the demanding and target-focused environment of critical care, where it is absolutely vital to be able […]

Why Specialty Carts Are Important For A Ho...
Specialty carts are an incredibly versatile and durable piece of equipment for any hospital setup, whether this is for an anesthetic department, isolation ward, emergency room, busy outpatient department or virtually any type of clinical setting. With seemingly limitless options for size, internal configuration and external appearance, these clever and easily maneuverable carts are sure […]