
Why Specialty Carts Are Important For A Hospital Setup

Everhutch 3 Dec 2022

Specialty carts are an incredibly versatile and durable piece of equipment for any hospital setup, whether this is for an anesthetic department, isolation ward, emergency room, busy outpatient department or virtually any type of clinical setting. With seemingly limitless options for size, internal configuration and external appearance, these clever and easily maneuverable carts are sure to prove an invaluable addition in whatever clinical environment they may be placed.

A specialty cart is essentially a handy, durable mobile storage unit optimized for use in a clinical setting that can be designed and configured to perfectly suit its location. For example, in an anesthetic setting, the focus would be on storing equipment that will be needed during the course of administering anesthesia to patients, including endotracheal tubes, syringes and needles, oxygen masks and tubing.

An emergency room cart might benefit from having a drip stand and an oxygen tank and mask attached, so that in the case of an emergency, these items are instantly available to administer to an unwell patient. The drawer configurations on the cart can be optimized for storage of those items, and additional accessories can be added to the side of the trolley, such as glove holders, sharps bins and waste bins, depending on what is required.

For each specialty department, the cart’s internal and external configuration can be optimized to store the relevant medical, surgical or pharmacological items. The rail system allows accessories to be quickly and simply added to the cart, without the need for any tools. The carts can be constructed in various heights and widths, enabling them to fit perfectly into the designated working area. The wide variety of standard sizes, as well as the availability of standard-sized accessories and trays, makes carts across the market at least partly compatible with each other, which is valuable if you need to replace a tray in an old, but otherwise perfectly functional, cart. This compatibility between different brands of cart provides hospitals with the ability to easily upgrade their current carts without having to purchase entirely new complete carts and ensures that any new carts that are purchased will blend in perfectly with the original carts.

The color coding of these carts makes them very easy to identify in an emergency. This is never more important than when you are working in the emergency room and there is a crash call or a medical crisis. In this scenario, an eye-catching scarlet red colored specialty cart stands out glaringly obviously against its background and is instantly identifiable as the crash or code cart. Consequently, this makes it less stressful for staff trying to locate equipment in an emergency, as well as optimizing patient care and clinical outcomes. In the anesthetic department, a soothing blue cart fosters a peaceful, somnolent sense, whereas the jarring yellow of the isolation unit’s cart brings to mind the violent yellow of a biohazard warning or container. In addition to being instantly identifiable, these carts are easy to relocate to your preferred or required location, gliding about effortlessly on their four plate-mounted swivel locking castors.

In terms of security, there are several flexible options available for these carts, including manual key lock, electronic keypad and ID card opening, among others. You can even select to have a dual locking mechanism. This makes the cart a very safe and secure place to store expensive medical equipment and medications, and ensures that only designated and authorized personnel are able to gain access to the contents.

The best carts are constructed from rolled steel, bent, welded and powder-coated to form a smooth and strong exterior that is easy to clean, scratch and chemical-resistant and does not harbor contamination.


If you were in any doubt as to whether to invest in one of these flexible carts, hopefully, you are now convinced. With their stand-out features of adaptability, durability and enhancement of infection control, specialty carts are a solid and worthwhile investment and an asset to any clinical setting. The addition of a specialty cart will help your medical teams to provide the best, most efficient care for their patients and optimize their clinical outcomes. EVERHUTCH storage solutions are built to last a life time and are backed with its limited life time warranty.