Procedure carts perform a critical role in healthcare settings and, as such, must be durable, adaptable and perfectly suited to their environment. In addition to promoting infection control and helping healthcare professionals to streamline the delivery of their services, procedure carts can also play a key role in maximizing the available space in hospital settings. […]

Role of Sanitization and Disinfection to M...
Procedure carts are versatile pieces of equipment that can be adapted to suit an array of different types of medical and caregiving environments. This versatility means that a procedure cart is often one of the most-used items within medical environments, and as such, it has the potential to spread bacteria, viruses and infections unless there […]

3 Reasons Why Wheels & Drawers Are Im...
The primary consideration when choosing a medical procedure cart is making sure it has the ability to be adaptable, flexible and available for instant use. Two of the main components of any procedure cart are the wheels and drawers and they are vitally important to allow health care providers to maintain a high level of patient care. […]

Storage Challenges In The Healthcare Indus...
Healthcare is a challenging industry in many ways. That includes ensuring you have the best and most modern equipment, which in turn means innovative healthcare storage solutions. Healthcare storage involves many constantly changing, industry-specific challenges that you need to solve. Challenges of healthcare storage: Infection Control An essential in all healthcare settings is Infection Control. […]

3 Things You Should Know About EVERHUTCH a...
EVERHUTCH is a new healthcare brand of Kewaunee Scientific. With a suite of…

Ultimate Guide to Slope Tops
What is a slope top? And why is it important? A Slope top is an angular cap that is placed…