Square footage is a hot commodity in any industry, and hospital storage is not different. With the rising prices in real estate – especially in growing cities – facility managers and administrators must make the most of the space that they have. When expansion is not possible or feasible, it’s important to be thoughtful in the use of space, even down to the square inch. Many hospital staff may seek to improve organization of hospital supplies to make the most of space while improving workflow.
Effective and efficient storage can be a huge space saver while also improving workflow and cutting down waste. EVERHUTCH provides storage with purpose. From procedure cabinets in operating rooms to procedure carts in patient rooms, each piece was manufactured to allow for maximum and long lasting storage.
CORECART procedure cabinets are built with a cell storage system that allows staff to build their ideal storage space. Baskets and trays are available in a variety of sizes to best configure cabinets for any operating room or patient room. STATCART procedure carts are also available with trays, baskets, and dividers to maximize storage and efficiency.
CORECART’s clear glass doors also give staff a visual of what’s inside. Is it time to stock up? Have busy hands made the inside of the cabinet a little less organized than it was at the start of the month? The clear glass doors give a visual cue of the stock in each procedure cabinet.

In continuing with the importance of visual cues, the full extension drawers of NESTCART and STATCART give staff a full view of the content of the cart. Similar to the benefits of glass doors, staff can quickly see what needs restocking and if the drawer needs to be organized before the next shift.
Lost or expired equipment accounts for a major drain to hospital budgets. Securing items like personal protective equipment and medications is important for both a hospital’s budget as well as the safety of patients and hospital staff.
While materials stored in procedure carts need to be kept secure, they must also be kept sterile and easily accessible during an emergency or when a code is called. STATCART is available with multiple lock options, empowering hospital administrators to make the best choice for their staff. Carts arrive ready to be put to work for you and upgraded to grow with your hospital system.
All EVERHUTCH products are available with a variety of lock options to suit your needs and empower staff. Lock options on STATCART include: manual locks, electronic locks, drawer locks and gang locks. The EVERHUTCH CORECART and NESTCART are available with keyed locks of key pads.

Maneuverability and Adaptability
Hospital environments are growing to be more and more fluid. An exam room may need to be quickly transformed into an isolation room. Or a waiting room may need to be turned into emergency triage in times of disaster.
Procedure carts need to move effortlessly form room to room as they are needed. STATCART has sturdy, easy to clean locking casters. These casters easily guide carts from room to room but can also be locked to keep them stable once they are in place. Along with these sturdy casters, stable and ergonomic handles allow nurses and staff to comfortable and efficiently maneuver healthcare storage wherever it needs to be.
American manufactured EVERHUTCH products are durable and were made to move. The solid cart body construction was built to last along with the promise of an EVERHUTCH warranty.
Much like the importance of configuration, the ability to adapt a cart for use in one department to the next can save hospitals money as well as time. The healthcare management rail available with EVERHUTCH empowers nurses or staff to move equipment from one cart to the next, or from the wall to the cart. Moving these accessories is seamless, making is easier for staff to optimize the cart to their workflow and improve ergonomics.
Accessories available through EVERHUTCH include baskets, glove box holders, monitor mounting and cable management.
The STATCART can accept most existing tray sizes, making it the perfect choice to seamlessly transition into current hospital protocols.

Specialty Storage
The ability to specialize and configure carts to your exact specifications is essential. Accessories and options available through EVERHUTCH empower you to make these choices to create the perfect product for each scenario.
CORECART is available in different widths and heights. No matter the procedure or need, staff can configure each cart to each special need. Accessories available through EVERHUTCH such as catheter racks make modifying existing CORECARTS into catheter carts
STATCART can be configured in variety of specialty carts including anesthesia carts, isolation carts, code carts, emergency carts and procedure carts. Accessories available through EVERHUTCH and along with the use of the Fairfield equipment management system makes changing a cart from general use to a special use a simple task. Procedure carts are also available in several color options to prepare them for specialty use in any department.

Future Proofing
What do all of these considerations really boil down to? It all really amounts to future proofing your space. Maximizing space, ensuring security to protect your staff and budget, ensuring maneuverability and adaptability, and options in specialty storage is the perfect set up for future proofing a hospital.
Unforeseen circumstances may dictate the need for more space. An influx of patients may necessitate the need for more space. While it may not be possible to conjure more square footage, efficient storage can free up space while easily maneuverable cabinets and carts can allow for the transformation of rooms to suit whatever pressing need a hospital may have. Is there now more of a need for catheter carts than general storage? EVERHUTCH adaptability makes transforming carts from one specialized need to another simple.

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